their ardent advocacy of these measures never faltered 意味

  • 彼らはどんなときもひるまずこれらの方策を熱烈に支持した


        advocacy:     advocacy n. 擁護; 唱道. 【形容詞 名詞+】 Their ardent advocacy of these measures never faltered. 彼らはどんなときもひるまずこれらの方策を熱烈に支持した blind advocacy of teetotalism as a cure for all ills あらゆる病の治療法として絶対禁酒を
        in advocacy of:    ~を弁護{べんご}して
        ardent:    ardent アーデント 熱烈 ねつれつ 切 せつ
        advocacy ad:    意見広告{いけん こうこく}
        advocacy advertising:    意見広告{いけん こうこく}、弁護的広告{べんご てき こうこく}、アドボカシ広告{こうこく}、主張広告{しゅちょう こうこく}、論説広告{ろんせつ こうこく}
        advocacy for the elderly:    老人{ろうじん}の権利擁護{けんり ようご}
        advocacy group:    権利擁護団体{けんり ようご だんたい}、支持{しじ}グループ、支持団体{しじ だんたい}
        advocacy journalism:    特定{とくてい}の主義{しゅぎ}を唱道{しょうどう}する報道{ほうどう}
        advocacy of peace:    平和{へいわ}の唱道{しょうどう}
        advocacy of war:    advocacy of war 主戦 しゅせん
        advocacy planning:    市民参加{しみん さんか}の都市計画{とし けいかく}
        advocacyの:     【形】 advocatory
        child advocacy:    児童{じどう}の権利擁護{けんり ようご}
        feeble advocacy:    弱い支持{しじ}
        gun advocacy:    銃の擁護、銃砲擁護◆【参考】gun control


  1. "their appetites are too jaded for them to get any pleasure out of such things" 意味
  2. "their applause resounded through the building" 意味
  3. "their appreciation for this help is growing" 意味
  4. "their approach to the job isn't professional enough" 意味
  5. "their approaches to the west for economic aid proved unsuccessful" 意味
  6. "their arms-control proposal was a tantalizing mixture of old and new, ambiguity and detail" 意味
  7. "their army could bowl us over in a couple of weeks" 意味
  8. "their army has a peace strength of around 600,000 men" 意味
  9. "their arrival started this transformation of a sleepy village into an international resort" 意味
  10. "their approach to the job isn't professional enough" 意味
  11. "their approaches to the west for economic aid proved unsuccessful" 意味
  12. "their arms-control proposal was a tantalizing mixture of old and new, ambiguity and detail" 意味
  13. "their army could bowl us over in a couple of weeks" 意味

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